Monday, May 21, 2012

It's been 500 years...

So it's been a while since my last post...oops! I thought it would be a good idea to show pictures of my belly every 3 weeks because I thought every week was too much.  But apparently I can't even handle that! Let's's been about 10 weeks since my last picture!!!

I'm going to try and be better from now on :)

Weeks 18-28 recap:

Total weight gain/loss: 20 (From 125 to 145)  EEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!!

Maternity clothes? I have a few tops, but I'm still wearing my regular clothes for the most part.  I also bought some regular clothes in a size larger than normal, because for some reason the word "maternity" associated with tops makes me not love life.

Stretch marks? No, thank God! I've been putting on stretch mark cream since week 17, so hopefully it pays off :)

Sleep: I went from peeing once in the middle of the night to now 2-3 times.  I'm surprised at how not annoying it is. Maybe because I can always fall right back asleep. 

Best moment from these weeks: Finally feeling the baby move at 21 weeks!!! That was the most intense kick/punch ever! My Grandma Johnson rubbing my belly for the first and last time @ 24 weeks, I cried like a baby! Seeing Sally and Dean and reading to him @ 24 weeks. My mom moving back and hearing the baby's heartbeat at my appointment @ 26 weeks.  My brother Greg feeling the baby move like crazy @ 26 weeks.  And Nina (Lanaya) finally feeling the baby move at 28 weeks! 
Miss Anything? I miss not being able to bend forward all the way.  It's annoying.  It also makes it hard to garden :/
Movement: Oh yea.  If it's 10 PM the baby is very active.

Food cravings: Not really, but I am down for Mexican food at any time :) 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender: We are going to be surprised!
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: None
Belly Button in or out? OUT now
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: happy, so happy!

Looking forward to: hitting 30 weeks so I can start a countdown :)

That's quite some growth in 10 weeks! Love it :)